As a resilience trainer and business coach (DVWO) I have several years of experience working with managers and their employees on topics relating to their day-to-day professional lives. I coach my clients on all topics and behavioral patterns that burden them or that they would like to change.
To this end a comprehensive methodology is required that taps into the whole of the person in all his/her dimensions (mind, body, emotion, soul). The well-structured IHR (Inner Healing Resilience) methodology that I have developed supports people in setting a mindful life- and leadership culture taking small and realistic steps at a time.
The work method combines findings and coaching tools from the humanistic and psychotherapeutic schools of thought, the east-western doctrines of wisdom, neurobiology and sate-of-the-art stress-research. The consistent integration of mind, body, emotion and soul is a central theme in the exercises and coaching sessions. By integrating all four dimensions, deeper-lying, sub-conscious patterns and themes surface during the coaching process.
Prior to my coaching-career I worked as a consultant for a Munich based Consultancy. Hence, I am very well acquainted with corporate cultures and the influence they have on the people who work there. My positive attitude towards people and my conviction that every solution to a problem can be found within ourselves has allowed me to establish a deep sense of trust.
Since 2013 Coach within leadership-, personality and team development, Munich
1999 – 2013 Market analysis and consulting, Munich
Until 1999 Marketing consulting within industry and commerce, Munich
Resilience Business Coach (DVWO); HBT Akademie
Systemic Leadership Coach, GST , Munich
IFS Coach, IIFS Institute, Munich
EMDR Coach, EMDR Ausbildungszentrum, Munich
Teambuilding-Coach, Team Benedikt
GFK, Non-violent communication, Syscoach Munich
ZRM Züricher Ressourcen Modell, Toguna Munich
IFS Trauma Therapy, IIFS Munich
Senior Trainer for Mindfulness in Organizations (MIO), Mindful Leadership, Salzburg
Hypnosis Coach, Dr. Migge, Minden