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How it works? The answer is onesome.

This app comprises 25 years of coaching experience in the area of personality and leadership development. In a purely digital approach, coachees self-organise their work on personality and resilience development based on the app’s most effective models and methodologies. The process sequences individual subjects, answers, and profiles. Successive learning journeys are progressively unlocked and lend a playful note to the discovery of one’s own potential.

We are convinced that everyone is their own best expert. The app uncovers deep knowledge through targeted questions. In combination with personal coaching, the process is particularly effective as the coachee has already self-reflected  as a result of having gone through the preceding sequences.

Our sister company, Seneration provides the app. At connect & develop we offer accompanying workshops and individual coaching for the users with a focus on deepening the learning experience by personal interaction.

Effective teambuilding and an authentic community feeling are the positive result of deep reflection and lively group interaction.

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