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The Joyful Path toward Self-awareness!

The triad of corporate vision, mission and values lays the groundwork for a successful guiding principle and strategy development. What counts in the end are clear messages that provide sustainable orientation for all stakeholders from employee to customer base. A sense of wellbeing and identification as a framework for guiding one’s own mindset are paramount to the success of the company.

It is always about identity based on self-awareness. connect & develop accompanies this sense-giving process. We create the space for these aspects to emerge through a combination of one-on-one interviews and workshops. Our diverse experience offers our clients guidance and support in surfacing their strength-giving inner core. We know how to differentiate between vision and wishful thinking. We are adept in the art of attracting vision – for vision cannot be forced. Anchoring VISION, MISSION and VALUES in corporate strategy is our challenge vs. mere lip service. Fostering self-awareness and feeling the joy that comes with it is our mission when working with our clients. And don’t be mistaken – vision and strategy are not limited to the corporate world. In our individual coaching sessions we support our clients in discovering their personal insights in this context.

There is nothing like watching a vision emerge and flourish.



The title, “Vision – Mission – Values” marks connect & develop’s second edition standard reference work published by our partner, Dagmar Werther.

Over 20 experts present their best practices for developing Vision, Mission and Values. All contributions are designed in a way that lend themselves to generate on-the-spot workshop guidelines. Theory combined with proven and tested practical examples make it ideally suited for HR experts, consultants, organisational developers, coaches, and managers.

If you ask Dagmar, “Why all this?”, her answer is unmistakable: “As an inspiration to find meaning in the triad Vision – Mission – Values and derive compelling models and strategies from it. And perhaps even more importantly: “networking, participation and connectivity!”

Published by Beitz Verlag, second edition, 384 pages, ISBN 9783407367129

Available here.


Roadmap instead of Gut Instinct

Successful transformation begins with a deep understanding of the existing organisational culture. What inspires people? What motivates them in their daily activities? What values are currently being lived? Where are the hidden pitfalls, contradictions, and value clashes? Simply observing behaviour is not enough.

Mindset Mapping is an approach for analysing culture in organisations and teams, management audits, in family systems, or for engaging the inner system in an individual coaching process. The algorithm-based tool draws from the psychology of personal constructs (Repertory Grid) and offers concrete insight into deep qualitative elements. At the same time, it makes systemic interrelationships quantitatively clear using data analyses. Mindset Mapping uncovers contradictions and dilemmas that block transformation. The application alone serves as an intervention and a first step toward change.

Swimming on the surface is easy. Learn to deep dive. Look – and see where the dangerous reefs are and where to find the treasures!



Unleash the Power of Innovation!

Responsible action, business savvy, and actively developing products, services and internal processes – in other words, engaging as an intrinsically motivated entrepreneur within the company. The result? Innovation, economic viability, employee engagement and branding. In our opinion, this is what INTRAPRENEURSHIP looks like in a nutshell.

Together with Professor Gehra and Professor Dürr from the Management of Social Innovation (MSI) at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, connect & develop created the “INTRA-BOX”, an enabler for intrapreneurs. We provide mentoring and virtual coaching, business modelling, prototyping, and pitch-coaching for successful intrapreneurs as they prepare to present their well-thought-out ideas to senior management.

Leave performance-paralysing external control behind! Open the INTRA-BOX and marvel at the fireworks of innovation!



Stay agile!

Change is no exception – it is with us daily. Fundamental readiness for change is the mark of an agile mindset and the prerequisite for agile transformation. Open-mindedness and flexible thinking ensure entrepreneurial survival. For these competencies to be effectively integrated at all levels, it takes a combination of practical support and driving a sustainable and agile transformation process. Only when employees are successfully onboarded can the transformation process be organically and intrinsically integrated into the organisation.

Our AGILE CULTURE approach aims for an equally high level of alignment and autonomy – in other words, a common direction together with autonomous resolve. We partner with our clients in the areas of team development, calibration, conflict management and leadership to foster not only conceptually agile thinking, but above all, organisational vitality. We initiate agile processes that are spot-on in that they address current and future market demand – namely, the continually learning organisation.

Change is agile cultural transformation!

Agile Culture


Diversity triumphs!

“DIVERSITY is an action, inclusivity is cultural, and belonging is a feeling”. Corporations that live diversity and inclusion, and see it as an opportunity, realise their full potential, and leave others behind. Often, companies try to achieve diversity by focusing on specific target groups. Success looks different.

Change begins with the mindset of corporate leadership: awareness of existing problems, a belief in and understanding of potential translated into new forms of behaviour. These are steps in leadership development, which lead to changes in the corporate culture that contribute to values such as diversity and inclusion. We believe in the impact of role models and multipliers who live these values and contribute to diversity and inclusion by motivating, incentivising and encouraging their people.

The goal is clear: Develop an environment in which diversity thrives!!



Your Goals Need Breathing Space!

Modern target  systems are agile. They assume a flexible framework that can be adjusted as needed. OBJECTIVES & KEY RESULTS (OKR) are linked to the questions: “Where do I want to go?” and “What concrete steps can I take to get there?”. The organisation’s most important tasks are actively embedded in the long-term organisational strategy that is defined in 3-month cycles and organically generated from cross-functional and interdisciplinary teams. This way, OKR achieves focus and continuous adaptation.

As OKR master trainers, we structure and accompany implementation and support teams with individual process design. An agile mindset in the team is fundamental to the success of OKR. It automatically enables transparency across hierarchies which forges the way away from silo thinking to new forms of communication that trigger the team’s intrinsic motivation. The result is an agile culture that draws from increased innovation which goes hand-in-hand with rapid growth! We have been partnering with organisations during this impressive and productive process for many years.

Rigid goals are for rigid minds. Today, stability means flexibility.


If everything is changing anyway, make sure to be at the forefront! Now!

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